Sunday, June 24, 2012


sorry for not adding descriptions last week... busy...
this is an allium emerging, from my brother's friend...

another allium...

little bee on a marguerite daisy...

the blue container on the deck, with which i'm pleased...

carrots from the potager... i'm also harvesting lettuce, radish, and sugar snaps...

everyone's favorite weed to photograph...

the 3 below are bronze fennel, looking alien....

variegated dwarf japanese maple, which does well in a vase...

moth inside a steel mesh lamp shade...

potager entrance...

the rock wall hubs built earlier this year, with clary sage in front, and various sempervivum here and there. clary sage is biennial, and a truly sweat-stinky plant that should keep the deer away. It has large spikes of delicate pink flowers, which should do nice in arrangements, but smell pretty bad.


Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

So many beautiful, artful photos here! Thank you!

Mike Huben said...

So what are you going to plant in the crevices of that plant wall, and tumbling over the top?

Might I suggest:
Origanum 'Kent Beauty'
Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall'
Dwarf Lemon Catmint (I can give you some, it doesn't self-sow)
A number of sedums and crassulas.

Sophie Munns said...

Love these photos Em!
Sorry to have been so busy and distracted that I didn't get to blog or visit... so its lovely to pop in!

Having trouble reading those codes.... too small on my laptop for my eye sight half the time...

Here goes!