Sunday, March 13, 2011


this weekend we prepared the potager for planting... here's before...

hubs and i shopped for compost, peat, fertilizer, etc.; he was nice enough to carry most of it into the potager.

we both worked in the afternoon to turn the existing soil...

then, this morning, i emptied all the bags into the beds, mixed the fertilizers in the wheel barrow and shoveled them into the beds.

i then mixed and raked. i'm hoping to finish by tuesday, and begin planting before the rain on wednesday.


Anonymous said...


I wanted to email you in regards in any possible advertising opportunities you may have with your website...I would be very interested in working something out with you if you have anything at the moment. I'm looking to earn support for a national cause and get visibility for the "plant 1 billion trees" project which Andrew Liveris and the Nature Conservancy have partnered up on for people to donate $1 to. Let me know if you would be interested at all in supporting this cause. I look forward to talking to you soon!


Kerri said...

You two make a good team! The potager is looking great and ready for some spring planting.
Good job! Hope your joints and muscles didn't pay too high a price. I'm feeling the pain lately, but I guess it's worth it ;)