Sunday, March 13, 2011


this weekend we prepared the potager for planting... here's before...

hubs and i shopped for compost, peat, fertilizer, etc.; he was nice enough to carry most of it into the potager.

we both worked in the afternoon to turn the existing soil...

then, this morning, i emptied all the bags into the beds, mixed the fertilizers in the wheel barrow and shoveled them into the beds.

i then mixed and raked. i'm hoping to finish by tuesday, and begin planting before the rain on wednesday.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


we've had around 6 inches of rain this week... march has come in like a tiger... witch hazel "diane" below...

i've started trapping squirrels in the potager and have relocated 5 the past week. perhaps i'm just trying to drain the ocean, but it's that or cover every vegetable in the garden.  

joe joe standing by the small retaining wall that collapsed this winter. we just relocated the pieris today.

species crocus - the next day, the deer ate them.

i finally planted some double snow drops...

japanese coral bark maple (sangu kaku) drips in front of the neighbor's shed...

the saw mill river parkway, flooded for half a mile in each direction, yesterday. it is passable today. like nothing compared to japan, right?