Sunday, June 21, 2009


i'm continuing with the song title theme here, from the "towels-won't-dry" 7th rainiest june ever in ny. and, another half inch of rain fell last night, so it's not over yet. marigolds brighten the day...
the potager, which is being taken over by nasturtiums...
arisaema fargesii has 3 flowers this year...
a weed...
echinacea 'sunset'... thank goodness it has more buds, since this flower has been repeatedly tasted...
the japanese stewartia is blooming...
i really planted this viticella clematis 'venosa violacea' in the wrong place... but it persists...
the wind garden at the entrance to the potager...
joe joe parts the new mosquito curtains i made for my office...


Kerri said...

Oh don't talk to me about rain!!! Sick of it!!! Whatever happened to a 'happy medium'? We're gonna love that sunshine when we finally get it. It has to show up eventually, right? :)
Hmmm...taking over the potager, eh? That'll teach you to plant nasturtiums :) Lovely things though, aren't they? All my started (in March) plants (nasturtiums included) are still waiting to go in the ground! I need to pull weeds galore and thin perennials in order to make space for them.
Anyway, enough whining..sorry.
You have so many lovely blooms! The arisaema is fascinating and I love all your clematises. 'Sunset' is a wonderful color, and JoJo always looks adorable.
BTW, I never answered your question about cutting the tulips for a bouquet. No, I usually don't have the heart to cut them. Just a few for a bouquet at church, but the rest I leave to enjoy in the garden. Do you cut yours?

em said...

hi kerri, thanks for stopping by! yes, i do cut some flowers, but very few, and only if the bed won't miss them. it seems such a shame, as they last so much longer outside!