Sunday, May 03, 2009


yesterday i visited my brother, a day lily breeder, in the boston area of massachusetts. this garden is about 2 weeks behind us here in lower ny. i hope he forgives me for posting this slightly faded tulip first in my blog, but it is so splashy, i couldn't resist.
my brother likes to collect unusual plants. here he is exposing the shy mouse-tailed ginger (note unopened bud at bottom.)
proud fern opening against the rust color of the house...
uvualria grandiflora...
bleeding heart vine, which will have yellow flowers, up against the house. The house is being renovated, but the colors and textures here are a photog's dream...
day lillies in the back yard. my brother has planted 3000 day lily seedlings this year. some of these have the mysterious "spring blight."
day lily i.d. tags on a fence...
bro's day lily bed at the school across the street... 
copper beech at the school across the street from my brother's garden.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I would recognize my BroBro's fingies anywhere!!! Thanks for posting his gawden!


  3. I see you and your brother share a love of unusual plants.
    Are your parents gardeners too?
    The ginger flower is amazing. Love the fern too. Wonderful photo!
    Wow, what a lot of daylilies!
    That copper beech is gorgeous!
    Glad you had a nice visit.

  4. folks, i removed the first comment because it was an ad. so i'm going to moderate for a little bit.

    sis, me too! thanks for the comment!
