Sunday, April 26, 2009


yesterday and today, hubs and i built trellises for the cucumbers and squash from old lumber and chicken wire. i planted everything except for the tomatoes and watermelon. you can see the lettuce doing nicely in the center; the carrots and beets are up, the beans are also planted. i've put basil in the small square pots at the back.
here's a garden-level view from the gate, showing the trellises on the seed mounds.


  1. The potager is looking great! Bet there's more seedlings up by now. We have bright sunshine this morning. A nice change after yesterday's much-needed rain.
    The air is crisp and fresh. I need to get out there and weed!

  2. kerri, thanks! yes, i'm going to try to animate all my potager photos to show the progress in a video... all this rain has sure made many weeds!

  3. What a pretty, pretty design! It will be a treat to see it with all your plants.
