Sunday, April 24, 2011


here's a newt with her eggs for easter!

magnolia daybreak is somewhat peachy, which is rare for the usually purply magnolias...

we are working on the retaining wall that fell, removing blocks to rescue hydrangea blue tide.

magnolia ruby is blooming in front of the cherry tree...

 i had to take lots of photos of her...

bleeding hearts are doing their thing...

here's a surprise - morels in the front shade garden again...

a red epimedium...
 camellia 'april dawn' blooming... now i need to move her because of the fallen wall...

 magnolia ruby... this is the best display ever!

my hoya is filling my office with a tropical scent today...

i just planted most of the potager... here's the mess on my desk of seeds and plans... 
happy easter!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


busy spring so far. here's how the potager looked in late march...
 and how it looks today...  i'm trying some new garden supports; i'll let you know how they work.  i've planted the cold weather things.
 in march, the dwarf iris bloomed for weeks...
witch hazel 'diane', jasminum nudiflorum and and southern magnolia made nice color contrasts...
 today a mockingbird came to call....
 bee resting on magnolia 'ruby' bud...
 small bee hiding in magnolia 'leonard messel'...
 magnolia 'leonard messel' blooming....
  magnolia 'leonard messel' blooming....
 blue jeffersonia blooming... it didn't bloom last year...
 we've been hearing the woodpeckers, but come to find out that they have neatly drilled 9 holes on the south and east sides of the house... then they left.  however, i've heard other birds busily building their nests... and finally spotted one face looking out over me....
 hm. this can't be good. called the painters to come fix the holes before we give the house up to the sparrows. 
sadly, today there was a dead female rabbit in the yard. it's a mystery how it was killed, because i'm pretty sure it was killed by a mammal, but my dogs didn't appear to have done it.