Saturday, September 04, 2010


thanks to my brother for identifying this visitor, and ailanthus webworm, visiting from the tropics. apparently these tropical moths sometimes travel as far as eastern canada, though they do not survive northern winters. have my nothern ny or canadian friends ever seen one?
at 11pm on my birthday last week, the night-blooming cereus put on a 3 bloom show. only my daughter, her friend and i were there to see and smell this once-a-year bloomer.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY for last week EM!

    I hope you had a pleasant time with a little pampering! The bloom is spectacular...and worth waiting to see... love how ephemeral it is!

  2. I did not have the good sense to keep my night-blooming cereus outside the first time it bloomed. It opened in the living room and while the scent was lovely at first, the stronger it became as the flower opened. It got to a point where the fumes were irritating my eyes! I had to carry the plant into the backyard and left it there until the next morning. I'm glad yours opened as a birthday present to you.

  3. What a beautiful birthday present! I hope you had lots of other lovely things happening to you on your special day. Happy belated!
    Yes, I've seen that pretty insect here as well, and photographed it too, I think, but I don't remember just when.
    Wonderful photos, all!

  4. What a majestic looking creature...with such intricate and beautiful coloring!
    How cool that you cereus bloomed for you on your birthday....Hope it was a great one for you!

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Ooh, I'd sure love to see that exotic moth in my garden! Trust me, I've never heard of a Virgo Tiger moth, but I have them in spades hiding in my juniper. I'd never have known if I wasn't pruning the heck out of them before they took over my garden bed.

  6. Good shots, thanks for sharing.

  7. As usual, Em, simply amazing photographs!!

  8. What a great bday present! My grandmother had one of those which I recall fondly.
