Saturday, April 04, 2009


the potager is finished!  today i bought 15 more bags of dirt (i really could use even more) hauled it all in, and completed an "m" bed and the big bed on the right. hubs finished the other "m" bed and the little sqaure one.  i planted the dwarf fruit trees and a few pansies. now hubs is out there finishing hanging the deer fencing.  whew!
if you look closely, you can see the lettuce coming up in the center bed. the sugar snap peas are up, and i added string to the trellis to support them.  perhaps more planting tomorrow...


  1. Just wonderful! I love the beds and the pattern to them. You have a lovely place to garden.

  2. That is beautiful. Very inspiring, I look forward to see it throughout the season.

  3. Looks awesome ...Will look very special when planted ..:O)


  4. You must be so pleased with the potager, Em. You and your hubby have done a wonderful job. It looks beautiful.
    Don't you feel bad not sharing with the deer? ;)

  5. Em, my dear, this looks really great. Well done to both you and your hubby. Happy potagering! ;-)

  6. HHG, thanks for the comment and for visiting!

    sheila, thanks for the comment, i can't wait also!

    dinzie, i hope to plant next week. thanks for the comment!

    kerri, i am pleased... i still need a bit more dirt, tho! thanks for the comment...

    YE, thanks for the comment! i look forward to seeing your garden too!
